A hand holding a mask and a bottle of disinfectant.

Coronavirus and Your HVAC System

The Coronavirus and Your HVAC System

Coronavirus or COVID-19 has changed the way people live. One thing people are being asked to do is to spend more time indoors and away from others to slow the spread. The more time you spend indoors, the more you need to pay attention to your air quality, which is where your heating and cooling system comes in.

Is There a Link Between COVID-19 and Your HVAC?

At the moment, the virus that is making its way around the world can be transmitted through droplets. Now, no one knows everything about this virus just yet, but as far as most experts are concerned, the virus is not airborne.

Your HVAC system is not directly linked to COVID-19, but there is something to consider. The reality is that the quality of your air still affects you in other ways. Allergens and airborne pathogens can get into your HVAC system and travel throughout your home. You don’t want this to happen, especially now when your immune system needs to be in good shape.

Why Does Your Immune System Have to be in Good Shape?

The coronavirus is a novel sickness that no one’s body is immune to since the human race hasn’t encountered it before, but your immune system needs to be as strong as it can be. The people who have been able to make a recovery can fight it off. No one knows how this happens, but most experts are certain that the immune system is at least partly responsible.

At the moment, places like Marietta, GA are right in the middle of the outbreak, like many other cities around this state and the United States. The country hasn’t been able to control the outbreak like other countries around the world. This means you need to keep your immune system working well. Having a good and clean HVAC increases the chances of your immune system being strong.

If your HVAC exposes you to something that could weaken your immune system, then you are going to be more vulnerable to COVID-19. Work on fortifying your health, and work on making sure your HVAC is working with you rather than against you. This isn’t only about you but your entire family who are sharing the same air.

What Can You Do to Ensure the HVAC is Doing its Job?

The problem is that many homeowners don’t pay too much attention to cleanliness. The HVAC system does a lot to keep your home feeling comfortable, and it does try to keep your air clean, but it can only do so much. The system needs a good filter to keep the air quality in good condition.

So, the first thing you need to worry about is making sure your HVAC always has a clean filter. Most filters don’t last more than one month, but some high-quality filters could last up to six months.

It may be a good idea to see what your filter’s package tells you, or you can simply have a professional inspect the filter for you. Make sure you continue to change your filter as recommended to keep the air quality as good as can be.

The next thing you have to worry about is the MERV rating. The higher the rating, the better the filter. The highest number you’ll see is 16, and this type of filter can filter out your air more than any other filter.

Most people choose a relatively low number, and this is because filters with a lower MERV rating are low-cost options. A lot of people are worried about their finances at the moment, so it makes sense that many homeowners wouldn’t want to spend too much at the moment, but investing in a good filter is a smart investment.

Now, it is important to point out that filters with a higher number also make your HVAC work a little harder. This could lead to higher energy bills, so make sure you keep that in mind as you make your decision. This is your health, which now matters more than ever, so the choice may be worth it.

You could take a few steps to reduce the amount of energy you might need a day. You can close vents in rooms you aren’t using. You could make sure all windows are tightly closed to prevent air from escaping. It may also be a good idea to close the blinds when the sun is hot to keep your place from getting even warmer, thanks to the UV rays from coming in.

The following are some additional steps you can take to keep your energy costs low even if you use a higher quality filter:

  • Have your home inspected, checking for issues like holes or cracks.
  • Consider installing ceiling fans to help re-circulate treated air, which should help reduce the need for your HVAC to turn back on.
  • Insulate your home if you haven’t to keep the cool air inside and the heat from coming in.
  • Think about installing double-pane windows to prevent the treated air from escaping.
  • You could install an energy-efficient HVAC to help keep cost low now and in the long run.

Another thing you may want to ask your HVAC specialist about is your venting system. Sometimes, this system is overlooked, and that is no good. If you don’t have it cleaned and serviced, you might end up dealing with contamination issues. Mold could develop in there, and that could cause allergies. Again, this is not what you want to be dealing with right now when your immune system should not be compromised.

Hopefully, some of this information helps you understand COVID-19 a little more and how your home’s HVAC could play a big role in your life under quarantine. Continue to monitor this virus as it develops so that you know how to adapt with each passing moment.

A ford super duty truck is parked in front of a business, providing information about its presence.

About CoolPro Heating & Cooling

CoolPro is a family-owned and operated HVAC company providing heating and air conditioning services, repairs and installations to commercial and residential properties.