A man is holding an air filter in an air conditioning unit.

How Often to Change Air Filter in House

Many people disregard the importance of AC filters at home and wait until their system malfunctions before doing anything about it. Essentially, your filters are responsible for cleaning the air that comes out of your AC. They trap and prevent particulates and contaminants that would otherwise affect the health of those living in the house.

Even though it is technically possible to run your system without filters, HVAC experts advise against it. The reason is that if you don’t have a filter in the air conditioner this leaves it susceptible to all sorts of debris and dirt that would ruin your HVAC system.

How often should the AC filter be replaced?

How often should we replace our furnace filter? This question many homeowners ask and the answer varies depending on various factors. A good rule of thumb based on HVAC experts is to change the air filter every 30-90 days. Factors include the type of filters used, the quality of your indoor air, the number and types of pets at home, and the number of occupants of the house.

There are 3 things that can happen if you fail to change your air conditioner’s dust filter.

Here’s what happens if you don’t change it:

  1. You are at risk. If you have a dirty air filter, the part that filters your air escapes, and it contaminates the air you breathe, you might not be able to protect yourself. Side effects of this can include headaches, dizziness, irritable eyes, or a sore throat. Eventually, this can cause respiratory infections, heart problems, and even cancer.
  2. When you have an old air filter running, it will take so long for your air conditioner to cool your home. You might also notice that certain rooms are cooler than others. This is why you should definitely consider replacing your filters.
  3. Consequently, you’ll end up paying more for your energy bills. Failure to change your filter leads to debris and dirt clogging your unit, which in turn causes it to work harder.

You need regular maintenance on your HVAC system just like you need regular servicing on your car. When you need an HVAC repair in Atlanta, time is of the essence. Call CoolPro Heating & Cooling with any questions or concerns you may have about your HVAC system.

A ford super duty truck is parked in front of a business, providing information about its presence.

About CoolPro Heating & Cooling

CoolPro is a family-owned and operated HVAC company providing heating and air conditioning services, repairs and installations to commercial and residential properties.

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